Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Chapter 4: Of the following attributes, patience, kindness, humility, respect, selflessness, and forgiveness, which one is your greatest strength?  What kinds of choices do you make that makes you stronger in this area?
I'm am probably best with forgiveness.  I am able to get past things and get on with my life.  I think this because I tend to forget what they did or I realize that they are not like that always.

Chapter 4: Four communication styles are aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, and assertive.  What is the ideal form that we should use?  What have we primarily used in the past?
We should use assertive.  This gets duties said and tells the person what is expected.  In the past we have been passive and let it slide when we slack off.

Chapter 5: Imagine that two students are chasing each other with pool noodles at a scrimmage event.  What does accountability look like in this situation?  Who should know about the event?  Who should provide the accountability?  Why is it necessary to hold individuals accountable?
The two students who were chasing each other and whoever was in charge of them should be held accountable.  This should be brought to the attention of the leaders on the team to ensure these actions do not continue.  It is necessary to hold these people accountable because these actions are unsafe and can get the whole team in trouble and leaders need to make sure subordinates are under control.

Chapter 7: Elizabeth said "My older friends are like they were 30 years ago, only more so".  As a high school student, what implications does this have for you?  OR As a mentor, how have your past choices built good and bad habits in your life?
This shows that people do not really change.  Usually people will continue to be the same because that it who they are as a person.  Habits we have today will become harder and harder to shake, so bad habits should be solved before it is too hard to get rid of.

Chapter 7: Change is usually initiated by friction / discomfort / pain / suffering.  If you want to change your habits, where will the discomfort come from that motivates your change?
The discomfort will come from failure.  Failure makes you realize the way you are going doesn't work and you need to find a new way to work that will be successful.

End with a summary of what you learned.
I learned the importance of various parts of leadership.  It is important to treat those you lead in a positive way, and make sure that people keep professional and get their work done.  I also learned the importance of making sure your habits are good ones and why people change.


  1. Hopefully your forgetting of others' wrongdoings isn't a sign of amnesia, but it is good that you realize that even when they wronged you, that's not their life goal, and that they probably did it accidentally.

  2. What ideas would you have for holding leaders and subordinates accountable?
