The middle chapters focus on choices and habits. Discipline is introduced as a tool of love. Chapter 7 talks about change, a necessary step in the improvement process.
Copy and paste the most interesting five questions below into a new blog post (at least one per chapter). As you read the second three chapters, write your response to each question below the question. At the bottom of the post, summarize what you learned. Tag the post with "SL2". During the commenting days, write a comment on two other people's posts.
- Chapter 4: Describe the difference between love, the feelings, and love, the choice.
- Chapter 4: Of the following attributes, patience, kindness, humility, respect, selflessness, and forgiveness, which one is your greatest strength? What kinds of choices do you make that makes you stronger in this area?
- Chapter 4: When is the last time you participated in pairing rather than bringing issues back to the whole group? What conditions and decisions led you to do it?
- Chapter 4: Four communication styles are aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. What is the ideal form that we should use? What have we primarily used in the past?
- Chapter 5: This chapter talks a lot about "empathetic listening". Explain in your own words what the means and why it is so important.
- Chapter 5: If you had to create a survey that collected final thoughts from graduating FRC seniors, what do we need to hear from them? How could we make them feel comfortable about being open and honest without holding things back?
- Chapter 5: Imagine that two students are chasing each other with pool noodles at a scrimmage event. What does accountability look like in this situation? Who should know about the event? Who should provide the accountability? Why is it necessary to hold individuals accountable?
- Chapter 5: "Love without discipline is not love at all." Provide some insight into that statement.
- [Chapter 6: This chapter is optional. It is an interesting look at the intersection of human instincts and moral principles.]
- Chapter 7: What is the difference between character and personality? Why is it relevant to leadership?
- Chapter 7: Elizabeth said "My older friends are like they were 30 years ago, only more so". As a high school student, what implications does this have for you? OR As a mentor, how have your past choices built good and bad habits in your life?
- Chapter 7: Change is usually initiated by friction / discomfort / pain / suffering. If you want to change your habits, where will the discomfort come from that motivates your change?
- End with a summary of what you learned.
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