Monday, June 29, 2015

Aren LS2 V2

Intro #2: We found out if our assumptions were correct about 2 weeks before the Onalaska competition.  We could have accelerated our learned earlier by just ordering the extensions to test them.  We did test a few of our assumptions like motor power needed and how much abuse the totes could take before falling over.  Our most important experiments (the extensions) needed to be tested with a robot under the appropriate load to test stability

Intro #3:  Intro: Explain the build-measure-learn feedback loop.  What is the purpose of this loop?  Why is it a loop?
-Build: make a MVP to test leap of faith assumptions
-Measure: see if your assumption was correct using innovative accounting.
-Learn: Take data from MVP and decide what needs to be done next
The purpose of this loop is to learn the best way to achieve your vision.  It is a loop because after you complete the loop you need to take what you learned and start over other wise you only learn once.

Chapter 7 #2:  A few MVP's we made to test leap of faith assumptions were simple lifters to test center of gravity on totes and a wood cut out to test tote intake capabilities of triangles.  We could have mounted the lifters to cut outs (with and without extensions) to test stability.

Chapter 8 #3:  When you have leaps of faith in your strategy you should build cheap and fast to test those assumptions.  Once you have the feed back you need you should either pivot and build or MVPs or you should persevere and start improving your product for the target audience.

Chapter 8 #1:  In the context of our team a persevere would be continuing to improve a basic design, for example our front triangles.  A pivot would be replacing the triangle with motorized wheels on arms.  An example of pivoting our strategy would be to change from a feeder station bot to a topper bot.

The steer section is all about making sure your on the right path to achieving your vision.  What I learned was make an MVP to test assumptions,  Make designs easy to test and easy to measure with actionable metrics.  Finally the last section emphasized taking all  you learned from MVPs and deciding whether to persevere or pivot.

Notes/Direct Application to team:
Khanban:  Use as build measure feedback loop.
Back Log: Make longer extension, test wheels
Processing: build it
Built:  Once built you would put in a line down the hall.  You get a tag that might look like this.

Test time start:______
Need Driver opinion:
 Yes__        NO__

Hook tag on part, when it time for you to test you get 30 minutes?? (subject to change)
to test part on robot.

Essential Things for this to work.
-Modular assembly
-all modules must be made asap(especially drive train)


  1. Very clever -- I love it. You just shipped your answers well before they were done to your real customer. +10 points. That said, it stinks, and I will tell you why so you can quickly improve it. In your response, use chunks of the question in your answer so we know what you are talking about without having to look back at the questions page. Tell us a bit about why (such as why are CAD models a good concierge service)? For the chapter 8 questions I'm not sure I can tell if you understand pivot vs. persevere -- try to show that more clearly. Then you should be able to summarize pretty easily after you go back to those.

  2. Awesome v2 improvements. Also a good case for modularity - independent variable testing.
