Avery LS1
- Intro: The Lean Startup is a book about 21st century management. How does building a FRC robot and running a FRC team run into the same challenges Eric Ries identified in modern businesses? How is our FRC team a group of entrepreneurs
Running a team comes into the same challenges as a modern business with managing money and trying to get out a new product that will be able to compete in the associated market. Building a robot/product have challenges of trying to have the robot/product control and operate easily and provide a useful task that is needed and will not be overridden by a robot/product that does the same job plus more.
- Chapter 1: What is productivity? When building a FRC robot, what specifically is productivity? Based on this definition, was our team productive during the last build season?
Productivity is working on progressing towards a goal or accomplishing a goal. Productivity for building an FRC robot is cading up models,testing prototypes, brainstorming ideas, finding useful information that will help with brainstorming or collecting materials needed to assembly a prototype/ final build. Yes, we where productive but we were not as productive as we could be and we did not go into the testing faze fast enough to see if any more than one of are ideas would work and just set are mind on one of the ideas. We should have finished brainstorming early on and then moved to prototyping and came to a solid idea within the fist two weeks, then make the robot and innovate on it so get it polished up and in the highest tier we could get it into.
- Chapter 3: What did IMVU assume to be true when they designed their product? How did customers actually behave? Was there a faster and cheaper way to learn the lesson they learned?
They assumed that the customers would no what their product was and that they would be willing to get their friends to join before they new if it was cool or not. The customers would want to see if it was a good enough game/product before inviting their friends to join. They wanted to add and talk to people they did not know with security and not go though their IM where they did not have anonymous security. There was a better way of finding out the information they learned by not supporting all the IM and just starting to get feedback as soon as possible.
- Chapter 3: What is something that we were unsure of last build season that we experimentally validated? Was there a faster way to learn what we learned?
I cant think of anything but we probably could have done it faster from what i remember we weren't that efficient.
- Chapter 4: Choose the Zappos, HP, Kodak, or Proctor & Gamble case study. What assumptions did the Zappos founders make when they started their business? How did they test their assumptions more efficiently than the IMVU team?
Zappos assumed that people would like it more if a wider section of shoes all in one place and not have to go around multiply stores or websites to find all the right pair of shoes. They got permission to take pictures of shoes, then went and sold them online and bought them once he had an order for them.
The Zappos model really showed how things can be simplified to provide more data. I'm trying to work out how we can use that with the robotics team. Media - how can we use small scale to find if it's effective or not, building the robot - small scale test first before putting it all into the main robot? I'm not sure but I bet somebody can put that together for the team.
ReplyDeleteI like your definition of productivity including doing useful tasks but would also add something about the speed it was done at. If we spend 10 hrs putting wheels on the robot it may be useful but the time could have been spent putting on wheels and much more. Also I agree we need to test more talk less.
ReplyDeleteI agree when you said that there was a better way of finding out information for a product when testing. I think people are more worried about what everyone is using because they don't want to be odd one not using that everyone else is.