Sunday, July 5, 2015

Bryan LS2

  • Intro: Last build season, we discussed an ideal strategy.  This strategy had a number of leap-of-faith assumptions about how long things would take and what we could do.  Try to describe our ideal strategy, including those assumed numbers that helped us calculate how many points we could earn in a round.

Our ideal strategy was to score as many points as possible, but for real, we tried to have one tote in the lifter and stacked others on top of it so then we could sit at the feeder station. After we got as many as possible totes we had a bin and put a noodle in it.

  • Intro: At what point in the build season did we find out how accurate our assumptions really were?  Was it possible to accelerate this?  Could the assumptions be broken down into small experiments?  If so, how?

We found out at the week zero competition. Yes, we could've accelerated it. We could've broken it down into parts where we used different segments of the robot that we needed to work on on our proto bot.

  • Intro: Explain the build-measure-learn feedback loop.  What is the purpose of this loop?  Why is it a loop?

Well, the build-measure-learn feedback loop is basically a system that helps a company or an entrepreneur find out how to improve their product. This loop is designed to help people fix problems with their products and help them improve. It is a loop so that people can keep improving the specific product.

  • Chapter 7: Going back to some of the leap-of-faith assumptions, what would some minimum viable products (MVPs) look like that could validate these assumptions?  What would we measure with the MVPs?  Think specific to last season's game.

An MVP would be the lifters we designed during the build season. This MVP could prove how we could find a way to make better lifters as well as thinking whether we should use lifters or something else.

  • Chapter 8: Explain the words "pivot" and "persevere" in the context of a team's way of doing things.

A team could pivot in such a way as to completely trash an idea or change it drastically as if to change the direction they were going or to "pivot" into a different position. Also, a team or person could persevere by pushing to get an idea through to have people realize it is a good idea.


Overall, everything could be used to help us learn, but we aren't able to do that without seeing what is wrong. We should be able to pivot and persevere while still using the build-measure-learn feedback loop.


  1. I agree on how one of our MVP's was the lifter iterations. We definitely did well in learning from our previous lifter in the design of a new one, although it took several iterations to finally land on our final design.

  2. I strongly agree that we should have gotten and MVP lifter out and functioning much faster than we did. Admittedly we did attempt to test the concept, but the cams were not attached to anything at that point which made it nearly impossible to tell how well they worked. This also would have us allowed to begin iterating on cams much faster.
