Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Kaitlyn SC1

Chapter 1: Sutherland explains the 80/20 rule: 80% of the value often comes from 20% of the work.  In the last year of FRC, what were some of the 20% jobs that added tremendous value to the team?

Answer:What added tremendous value to us was the lifters and the cams. With them we were able to lift and stack totes and bins and drop then off to score points.

Chapter 1: At the end of every sprint (2 weeks in this case), the Sentinal team presented a working demo to stakeholders across the FBI.  Why is this necessary and important to do?

Answer:It can help how long something could take or How many work items they can get done during the sprint. Helps give info that could take longer with the how FBI, but when they let a  few do it then it could take less time and get the results quicker. They can also test things that might not happen now but could eventually, like someone hacking into the FBI and starts to transfer money to a different country, they were able to stop it.

Chapter 2: "OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)", "inspect and adapt", and "PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)" are all getting at the same core idea.  Explain this idea and how it relates to the way a team functions.

Answer: We observe what area we would work best then we would figure out a way to make us gather stack things faster. And if something goes wrong just do what you think could be best at that time.
 We make plans then when we are ready we do or build it when we have built it we check if it is good enough then we act and do our best.

Chapter 2: Explain how we would implement the paper airplane example to practice a OODA cycle at a team meeting.  What would be the point?

Answer:Before doing things we observe what we are going to do. We will then orient it and decide what will be done. After that they we will act and work on it. See if the things will work or 

Chapter 3: What evidence does Sutherland bring up when justifying a focus on team improvement over individual improvement?  Do you think that should apply to our FRC team?  In what cases does it not?

Answer:Managers. I think it could help because people how haven't been in robotics or are still a little new they could learn from the people who are managers. But it also wouldn't work because sometime teams or places don't need a manager but everyone has a part and they can all help and teach each other.

It think book will give us and myself good advice that we could use at robotics but not only that but other places too. This can be very helpful, when doing something because it might take less time to do then you might of  thought before. In the book it also says studies that they have done and have worked. This could help everyone and help reduce the time that is needed for somethings and get them done faster.

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