Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Kaitlyn LS3

Chapter 9: The chapter starts with an example of stuffing envelopes in large vs. small batches.  For what reasons does Ries say the small batches are more efficient?

Answer: If the letters didn't fit in the envelopes they might not know till the end of a large batch but if it is a small batch then you can detect it earlier. The small-batch approach produces a finished product every few second, while the large-batch must deliver all the product at once.

Chapter 9: "Hardware becoming software", "Fast production changes", and "Rapid prototyping tools" are all things that could help us build a robot more quickly.  Give an example of each of these 3 that we could do.

Hardware becoming software-cad the materials we would like to use then when we might have an idea we can put the parts together on the inventor.
Fast production changes-use different materials, cad stuff near the beginning and change when need too.
Rapid prototyping tools-Doing what every we are prototyping we have it as a different material so it will be here faster. And then if there are flaws beside the type of material then it would be faster to know and figure out the problems.

Chapter 10: Shift your focus from building robots to growing our team of students, mentors, parents, and sponsors.  What is our team's engine of growth?

 Answer:Students that join are most likely interested in something with STEM or want to do something that really isn't a sport. But everyone is different so for each person it can be different. Our growth is when new people come and also the people that we on the team last year or previous years.

Chapter 10: We also lose people (students, mentors, parents, and sponsors).  What things cause this to happen?  Which of these can we control?

Answer:People graduating, some might want to wait till one of their children are in robotics to help, don't have the time to be able to help. For sponsors we might lose them because they can't give anymore or they don't think they don't want to anymore. We can control some but there are also a lot that you can't. But that is why each year we get new people because they have come to help us when the students that graduated can not anymore.

Chapter 11: Explain the purpose of the "Five Whys" technique for root cause analysis.

Answer: To the prevention of the most problematic symptoms. It is also when you are confronted with a problem, have you ever stopped then asked why five times. By asking why if can help uncover the root problem and correct it.

When stuffing envelopes you have to decide which way is faster. Like in the book doing small batches can help you find problems faster that you would in large batches. I also think the "Five Whys" could be helpful for us because it could help solve some problems that we have and make things go a little more smooth.

1 comment:

  1. I think another way to look at growth is to take a wider perspective. Rather than just considering the growth of 4859, we should consider the growth of FIRST Robotics in the areas where we have influence. We've contributed well to that growth in that we are in a position to host an FLL Sectional tournament, the demand for robotics at the 8th/9th grade is growing to the point where we are 'forced' to start one or two FTC teams, and so on. Our influence will go beyond the Byron school district as we spread the message to other audiences, such as Thursdays On FIRST in Rochester, or by coming up with presentation for things like MN Splash and others.
