Monday, July 27, 2015

Bryan SC2

  • Chapter 4: What is the purpose of the sprint?  What are the rules that govern a sprint?

The purpose of a sprint is to have a brief amount of time in which the team or group is extremely productive. A rule is that the amount of time has to be limited and it has to have tasks assigned to specific people or groups of people.

  • Chapter 4: Sutherland required his first scrum team to throw out all titles.  Why?  Where (inside and outside FRC) have you seen titles get in the way of getting things done?  Where can titles be a positive thing on a team?

It was just getting in the way of working because they just marked the person. This way they would be more productive rather than pulling the "I'm the boss" card. I have seen people on our team and other teams saying that since they are the whatever captain they get to control the work being done in that specific group of people and just end of not doing any of the work. Titles can be use for getting scholarships as well as being able to compete. Well, we need a safety captain due to ya know, safety as well as being able to participate in competition.

  • Chapter 5: Why is multitasking wasteful?  When in your own life do you refuse to multitask and just focus on a single task?

Multitasking is wasteful because you don't do as good of a job when you are doing multiple things at once. If you just do one thing at a time, then you can get it done faster and better. Usually, I try to multitask as much as possible and it usually turns out well, but I know that if I focus on one thing it will turn out better than both things at once.

  • Chapter 5: One section is titled "half done isn't done at all".  What are some half-done tasks we have with our FRC team?

Well, we had the Best Buy grant which I am pretty sure never even got done in time, but I could be wrong (this is just from what I heard). Also, we had the chairman's presentation maybe half done for a long time, until the night before the presentation, which should've been done way earlier. 

  • Chapter 6: What does the "Definition of Done" mean?  Why is it critical that the entire team understands the DoD for each task?

The "Definition of Done" means something has been thoroughly examined and tested and is able to be handed over to the customer or consumer for use. It is critical that the team understands the DoD for each task so we can get it done to the same standards as we need, so someone doesn't finish it when it really isn't finished at all.


This part was to explain parts of scrum and how we should use them. They are very important parts of scrum and should be looked at as such.


  1. Just a heads up that we did in fact submit the Best Buy grant back in June with a $5000 proposal. We will hear back around September on whether or not we received it.

  2. We should be more punctual with our deadlines in order to have half-done projects get be finished before the last second. This could be done by checking in with the person working on the project or passing duties off to others if you are too busy to complete the project in a timely fashion.

    1. Give them a deadline, and if they fail to meet it, take them off the task since they are incapable of doing the job. Along with checking in on the person, we could make sure that they have no other tasks to work on. Set a priority, and have them work on that one task and no other.

    2. Give them a deadline, and if they fail to meet it, take them off the task since they are incapable of doing the job. Along with checking in on the person, we could make sure that they have no other tasks to work on. Set a priority, and have them work on that one task and no other.
